This national report gives an overview of the actual practice with regard to the design of piles in Belgium. Some of the content has been taken over from the report that was published by Holeyman et al. at the occasion of the 1st ETC3-symposium in 1997, but it contains a lot of new elements, as in the meantime Eurocode 7 was introduced in Belgium. Above that, quite a lot of new instrumented pile load tests have been carried out since 1997, adding supplementary and even new insights to the existing experimental pile load testing database in Belgium. In 2009 a first edition of the Belgian guidelines assessing pile design according to the principles of EC7, which had been elaborated under the auspices of the Belgian standardization committee of EC7, was published by Buildwise (2009). Meanwhile the content of this design guide has been revised and extended and the 2nd edition will be published in 2016 by Buildwise (2016). The design principles reported in this contribution are mainly based on the content of this new revised version of the Belgian pile design guide.