Wetenschappelijke publicaties van het Laboratorium Geotechniek en Monitoring
Pile settlement under vertical static load : SLS design method based on Belgian experience.
ICSMGE Sydney 2022 |
Allani (M.) Huybrechts (N.) |
Static tension load tests performed on resin grouted micropiles. |
ICSMGE Sydney 2022 |
N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, P. Kempenaers, D. Smits |
ICSMGE Sydney 2022 |
M. Allani, N. Huybrechts |
Thoughts on the mix design for soil mix walls used as permanent retaining structures |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau |
Finite element modeling of the arching effect in retaining walls made of soil-cement columns |
N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau |
Finite element modeling of the arching effect in retaining walls made of soil mix panels |
N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau. |
Design and execution of soil mix walls for retaining structures |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts |
Geotechniek 2020 - nr. 4 |
M. Allani, N. Huybrechts |
Optical Fiber Strain Measurements and Numerical Modeling of Load Tests on Grouted Anchors |
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 2019 |
Jef Smet; Noël Huybrechts; Gust Van Lysebetten; Jan Verstraelen |
Full-scale tests and three-dimensional finite element analysis on micropile groups |
M. Allani, N. Huybrechts |
Recent advances in pile design, construction, monitoring and testing |
ECSMGE 2019 |
M. Bottiau and N. Huybrechts |
Application of soil mixing (CSM) in stiff clay for dike stabilization
ECSMGE 2019 |
L. De Vos, M. De Beukelaer-Dossche, L. Vincke, E. Dupont, K. Duyck, N. Huybrechts and N. Denies |
In-situ test campaign on innovative resin grouted
ECSMGE 2019 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, M. de Ruijter, P. Kempenaers, P. Lopes and D. Smits |
Taylor and Francis 2018 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) - CRC Press |
Deep mixing method for the construction of earth and water retaining walls |
RILEM 2017 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts |
ICSMGE 2017 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, M. Bourdouxhe and A. Fagot |
Géosynthétiques pour le renforcement des sols : applications récentes et recherche en Belgique |
11èmes Rencontres Géosynthétiques – Comité français des géosynthétiques |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, J. Verstraelen, W. Maekelberg et J. Maertens |
Buildwise - monographie |
N. Denies en N. Huybrechts (Uitgevers) |
ETC 3 - 2016 |
S. Varaksin, B. Hamidi, N. Huybrechts and N. Denies |
2016 |
N. Huybrechts |
Geotechniek - 2015 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort, J.C.J. de Leeuw, F.J.M. Hoefsloot |
ECSMGE 2015 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort and A. Guimond-Barrett |
Design and Quality Control of Soil Mix Walls for Earth and Water Retaining Structures |
DFI Deep Mixing 2015 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort, de Leeuw J., Hoefsloot F |
Elsevier 2015 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts |
IFCEE 2015 - ASCE |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort |
DFI EFFC Stockholm 2014 |
Denies N., Van Lysebetten G., Huybrechts N., De Cock F., Lameire B., Maertens J. and Vervoort A |
Design of Deep Soil Mix Structures: considerations on the UCS characteristic value |
ICSMGE 2013 |
N. Denies, G. Van Lysebetten, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort |
IS-GI 2012 |
A. Vervoort A., A. Tavallali, G. Van Lysebetten, J. Maertens, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock F. and B. Lameire |
Mechanical characterization of deep soil mix material – procedure description |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, A. Vervoort and J. Maertens |
Soil Mix walls as retaining structures – mechanical characterization |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies N., N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, A. Vervoort, G. Van Lysebetten and J. Maertens |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort |
Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211 |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) |
Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211 |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) |
Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211 |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) |
Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211 |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) |
Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211 |
IS-GI 2012 |
N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) |
Deep Soil Mix technology in Belgium: Effect of inclusions on design properties |
ASCE - Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012 |
P. Ganne, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali, J. Maertens, B. Lameire and F. De Cock |
Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour |
ECSMGE 2011 |
P. Ganne, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali, J. Maertens, B. Lameire and F. De Cock |
SOILMIX wanden als kerende constructies – kritische analyse van de ontwerpparameters van het materiaal |
Geotechniek 2010 |
P. Ganne, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire en J. Maertens |