An in-situ test campaign was performed in the facilities of the BBRI to study the geotechnical behavior of resin grouted micropiles, consisting of hollow steel anchor bars covered by hardened resin. After the installation of hollow steel bars into the ground by dry drilling, expanding and curing synthetic resins are injected, throughout the hollow steel bars and they penetrate, at several depths via openings, into the surrounding soil to form, after chemical reaction, hardened resin bodies around the steel bars. The purpose of the present experimental test campaign was to determine the geotechnical tensile resistances (i.e. the uplift resistances) of three isolated resin grouted micropiles. Static tension load tests were performed to analyze their load-displacement behavior and to determine their uplift resistance when subjected to tensile loads. Within the test campaign, three different types of resin grouted micropiles were studied. The present paper provides the details of the test procedure and the main results of the three static tension load tests, conducted according to the French standard NF P 94-150-2. For the three different resin grouted micropiles, critical creep loads varied between 140 and 200 kN and the tensile loads at failure reached values ranging between 175 and 215 kN.